Resume Keterampilan Interpersonal

Interpersonal Skills
 Necessary for relating and working with others.
Sangat diperlukan untuk membina hubungan dan berinteraksi dengan orang lain. Apalagi 
kita bekerja dengan orang lain, itu membutuhkan Interpersonal skills.
 Effective communication skills-listening and expressing
Tentang bagaimana teknik kita mendengarkan dan memberikan ekspresi terhadap orang 
 Ability to give and receive feedback
Manerima masukan,kritikan dsb.  Being able to work well in teams or groups
Mampu bekerja maupun dalam tim atau dalam grup dengan baik.
Benefits (keuntungan)
 Personal relationships
Keprofesionalan yang kita bangun antara tim kerja kita dengan baik.
 Professional relationships
Bagaimana cara memperlakukan seseorang Atasan kita,Bawahan kita
 Employment related skill
Kemampuan dalam pekerjaan kita misalnya menyikapi seseorang.
 Team or group work in collage
Bekerjasama di dalam kelompok.
 Learn about other perspectives
Lebih mudah menerima perbedaan dari banyak sudut pandang seseorang.
 Share work load
Berbagi beban kerja.
Aspects of Communication:
 Listening & Expressing
Ekspresikan Sesuai dengan yang didengar.
 Verbal & Non-Verbal
Apakah komunikasi itu secara lisan atau tulisan.

How does it feel…? 
Communication Skills
Paying attention to the total content of someone’s verbal communication, without 
thinking of that you’re going to say next, what you need to do that afternoon, etc.
Memberikan perhatian total kepada apa yang disampaikan seseorang.
 Avoiding distractions
 Attention giving
 Active Listening
Memberikan feedback dan focus terhadap orang yang berbicara
 Avoiding distractions
Reduce noise
Not thinking about what to say
Not thinking about other things
 Attending via (Merespon).
Body language (Menanggapi dengan Bahasa tubuh)
Eye Contact (Menatap pembicara)
Active Listening
Not interrupting, Focusing, Paraphrasing, Summarising, Using open ended questions, 
Attending to speaker’s non-verbal, language.
Communication is:
 Verbal
The words we use 7%
The tone we use 13%
 Non-verbal
Body Language 80%
Body Language
 Gesturing
 Facial expressions
 Eye contact
 Posture
 Tone of voice
Communication Skills
 Listening
 Self-expression
Working with Others

Benefits of learning in groups
 Experience, skills or knowledge of others
 Support, encouragement, responsibility
 Share work
 Increase understanding
 Differing perspectives
 Others?
What is a group?
A group is a collection of individuals who come together for a particular reason or with a 
common aim.
Giving presentations
 Aim/purpose & context
 Planning & preparation
 Delivery
 Overcoming nerves
Purpose &Context:
 To inform, train, persuade, entertain, sell or demonstrate?
 Who is the audience?
 How much time do you have?
 Where is the venue?
 Formal or informal?
Giving presentations
Planning & Preparation:
 Relevance to aim and audience!
 Gather material relevant to message

Developing Your Interpersonal Skills
Mengembangkan dan membangun keterampilan Interpersonal Anda.
Good Interpersonal Skills  The foundation for good working and social relationships
Hubungannya dengan orang lain di tempat kerja atau masyarakat dengan baik.  The foundation for developing many other areas of skills.
Digunakan di setiap area kita
How to improve interpersonal skills?
 Identify areas for improvement  Focus on your basic communication skills  Improve your more advanced communication skills  Look inwards  Use and practice your interpersonal skills  Reflect on your experience and improve.
1. Identify areas for improvement  Develop your knowledge of yourself and your weaknesses.
Mengetahui kelemahan dan kelebihan.  Analyze your self :
 How do you rate your listening skills?
 When communicating with others, what your likely behavior?
 How you perceive others and how others perceive you?
 How do you rate your vocal skills?
 Could you work in a team?
2. Focus on your basic communication skills  Basic Communication Skills
 Verbal and non-verbal
 Listening
3. Improve advanced communication skills  Presentation
 Negotiation
 Persuade and influence others.
4. Look Inwards  The personal skills (how we manage ourselves).
Bagaimana anda memenej diri anda sendiri.
 Self-awareness
 Self-regulation
 Motivation


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